Opening Hours
Extended Hours
Out of Hours
Telephone or Face-to-Face Consultations
Available with our clinical team of ANP's & GP's. To book online click here or request a non-urgent appointment via our messaging service HERE
Nurse & Health Care Assistant Appointments
The Practice Nurses can help you with a range of issues from health management to vaccinations. Book an appointment online click here. Or via our messaging service HERE.
Non Urgent Requests & Sicknotes
Please follow the link for any non-urgent enquiries via our AccuRx Messages HERE
Prescriptions – How to order
SystmOne Online
You can order your repeat prescriptions via our online services. You will need a username and password for this, contact us if you do not have one. Click TPP SystmOnline.
In Person or Post
Complete your Repeat Slip by ticking or underlining the items needed, then drop this into our 'Prescription Box' in Surgery or post it to our address.
You can order medication via the NHS App
Practice Information
Online Services
SystmOne Online:
For access and to book appointments, order Prescriptions, view your Medical record.
Click SystmOnline
Our newest online option. Message us for non-urgent enquiries, sick note requests, prescriptions and more.
Click HERE for more information.
Your Medical Records Online
Surveys & Forms
CARERS survey.
CONTACT INFORMATION update Form (via Google Forms)
Practice Booklet & Newsletter
Information for Patients regarding the Practice and Services. Click Here.
For our Patient Practice Newsletter - Click Here
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Pre-conception Advice
Women trying to conceive need to take 400 microgram's daily of folic acid for three months prior to and three months after conception. If you are diabetic, you take anticoagulants or have previously given birth to a baby with spina bifida the dose is 5 milligram per day (available at supermarkets and over the chemist counter). We usually book our patients at the Women’s hospital in Doncaster under the local Consultant. The Midwives provide all routine antenatal care but we see appropriate cases as required.
Pregnant women can receive vitamin supplements free of charge by joining the health start scheme here This website advises on vitamin supplements for both you and your child and is a very useful source of information. If you prefer to obtain prescriptions for these vitamins from the Practice, please contact the surgery so this can be organised.
If you are taking any other medications and become pregnant please contact the practice to speak with the Pharmacist.
Pregnancy, Baby and Child Health App
The link below takes you to a free app which guides parents through pregnancy and the first 6 months following baby's birth and contains useful information about the screening programs before and after baby’s birth.
Whooping Cough Vaccination.
This vaccination is provided at the surgery after you reach 22 weeks of pregnancy and the flu vaccine at any point in your pregnancy (if it falls within the flu season 1st October -31st January). More information can be found here.