Opening Hours
Extended Hours
Out of Hours
Telephone or Face-to-Face Consultations
Available with our clinical team of ANP's & GP's. To book online click here or request a non-urgent appointment via our messaging service HERE
Nurse & Health Care Assistant Appointments
The Practice Nurses can help you with a range of issues from health management to vaccinations. Book an appointment online click here. Or via our messaging service HERE.
Non Urgent Requests & Sicknotes
Please follow the link for any non-urgent enquiries via our AccuRx Messages HERE
Prescriptions – How to order
SystmOne Online
You can order your repeat prescriptions via our online services. You will need a username and password for this, contact us if you do not have one. Click TPP SystmOnline.
In Person or Post
Complete your Repeat Slip by ticking or underlining the items needed, then drop this into our 'Prescription Box' in Surgery or post it to our address.
You can order medication via the NHS App
Practice Information
Online Services
SystmOne Online:
For access and to book appointments, order Prescriptions, view your Medical record.
Click SystmOnline
Our newest online option. Message us for non-urgent enquiries, sick note requests, prescriptions and more.
Click HERE for more information.
Your Medical Records Online
Surveys & Forms
CARERS survey.
CONTACT INFORMATION update Form (via Google Forms)
Practice Booklet & Newsletter
Information for Patients regarding the Practice and Services. Click Here.
For our Patient Practice Newsletter - Click Here
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Repeat Prescriptions
~ As of 1st June 2023, we will no longer be accepting prescription requests by telephone. This is to ensure the phonelines are free for medical queries and problems. Please use one of the alternative options mentioned below. ~
The Practice runs a Repeat Dispensing Service for patients on regular medication authorised by a Doctor.
You can also order your repeat prescriptions electronically via our website, by using the NHS App or SystmOnline App, by sending an Online message, or alternatively you can use the tear off repeats slip given to you with your last prescription - simply tick the items required, and then leave it in the box provided in the reception area. If you do not wish to attend the Surgery you can post it to the Practice.
From time to time, you may be asked to have a medication review. This may involve attending the Practice for monitoring, to enable the Clinicians to monitor your drugs and prescribe safely.
Contraceptive Injection and Hormone Replacement Therapy are not available on repeat prescription.
Prescriptions take 48hours to be processed by us and they are sent electronically to the Chemist of your choice. Please check with your Chemist how long their processing time is for issuing medications.
There are several ways you can order online with us.
- Order via our website (HERE) and click on Repeat Prescription Request.
You will need your log-in details we sent during your registration for online services. If you do not have these, please contact the Practice.
- Order via NHS App or SystmOnline App.
You will need to set up your account and connect it to your online services. If you need any information or help, please don't hesitate to contact us.
- Order via Online message (HERE)
No log in or account set up required. We will match the details you enter onto the form to your medical record.
We are aware that online services may not be suitable for all patients. So, there are options to order without the internet as well.
- Order in Person
This is a paper slip you receive in the bag with your prescriptions from the Chemist. You can use this slip to tick the items you would like to request and then drop this into the 'Repeat Prescription' box. There is one at each of our Surgeries. A relative, family member, or friend can also drop these off for you.
- Order by Post
This is a paper slip you receive in the bag with your prescriptions from the Chemist. You can use this slip to tick the items you would like to request and then pop this in the post to us in plenty of time. We will order the medication when it is received.